After Spanish authorities rejected the asylum application he and his wife made it. According to "BBC", the official said at the airport: "The authorities have not taken any decision yet about allowing bin Laden and his wife to enter Egyptian territory, but the wife of the son of bin Laden called the pet-Sabah bin Laden said: They made the request for asylum in Spain That ended their stay in Egypt have not been renewed, and they were threatened. " He returned Omar bin Laden's 27-year-old to Egypt, where he had held more than a year with British wife Jane Felix Brown, which recently changed its name to Adornment Sabah bin Laden and of 52 years. The marriage of bin Laden, Jane Felix Brown has raised a storm of information last year. The wife of bin Laden, she and her husband "was aware that the risk of their lives in Egypt and they had Isjna, because of threats they have suffered from the two members of the family of bin Laden." Zina Sabah, also called bin Laden, the Saudi monarch King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to protect them because "it can" she said. Bilateral and returned to Cairo after the Spanish Interior announced that "Omar bin Laden does not meet the conditions of asylum to Spain." The Omar bin Laden had asked for asylum in Spain during a stopover in the Barajas airport in Madrid during the trip to Egypt, Morocco, but would not give details about the reasons for his request. It is noteworthy that Britain had recently refused to grant Omar bin Laden's visa in order to live with his wife at her home in northwest Britain. Omar said bin Laden and his wife that British authorities had refused their request to live together on British soil in the month of April, having reached the conclusion that such a move "might not be in the public interest."
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