Virginia Beach (United States) - Dennis Ross, who is a consultant for the Middle East with two former U.S. presidents are George Bush and Bill Clinton and is now a major adviser to Obama on the Middle East, "newspaper published Jrosalm Post" to meet with him today Sunday prepared based on some of what the Russians during the annexation of the collection of more than 200 Jewish voters in that state sensitive volatile this week. Ross spoke about the situation in Iraq and the possibility that the early withdrawal of the impact on the balance of power in the Middle East, said: "Whatever the President, we will see a withdrawal from Iraq, because we simply can not tolerate the current survival there. The important thing is how to create a political and diplomatic movement A mate on the withdrawal. "
Ross dealt with in his American position of Iran's nuclear program, described this position that he applied the policy of carrot and stick vulnerable vulnerable, and that failure was not surprising. "We focus on the UN Security Council, which follows the style of the lowest common denominator, which is one of the reasons that the four Council resolutions to stop Iran's (uranium enrichment) did not affect the economy .. must prepare ourselves out of this framework."
The U.S. diplomat to the type of diplomacy that can be more effective, he pointed out that Saudi Arabia, for example, have great financial influence and has a great interest in the fact that Iran has nuclear weapons, "but that the Saudis were not included in the strategic use of financial influence." In his view that Saudi Arabia can influence the behavior of Europe. And they can do so with China also because China, "Saudi Arabia will choose if had to choose between Iran and Saudi Arabia."
Ross said: "We have not put a strategy where we work. One of the reasons why the Europeans are reluctant to do so is that when we talk to the Iranians, they fear that growing economic pressures to slide towards confrontation. But we are now ready for talks without imagination, but With the preparation for this step to make it easier for Europeans to do more economic pressure. May not have to have a lot of time and we had some options - if we are prepared to act differently from previous our actions. "
On the issue of Jerusalem and the fluctuation of words Barack Obama told Jewish Congress in June (June) that the past must not divide Jerusalem, and what the next day that he does not deny that there is a common rule in the city, Ross said he was convinced that Obama will stand by Israel, he would have stood in convinced him to do so. He said Obama told Jewish Congress that "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel." He stressed that the city should not be divided again. But he did not say the third item is that the final status of the city be solved through negotiation. He said before the conference and after the U.S. position is based on these three points, "he said." As to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, this is reality. Or should not be divided again, this is another fact. As for the position of the United States since Camp David, who approved the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty and signed by (then-Prime Minister) Menachem Begin, is that the status of Jerusalem will be negotiated. Those are the three points. "
Asked about Obama's position in the event of attacking Israel and that he would not take a tough stance, he replied Ross, noting that the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party believes Israel's right to self-defense, which is part of the Israeli concept based on the popular idea that Israel wants to fight battles alone, " Americans do not want to fight in the battles. But the important thing in their relations with us is that they can rely on us, but they do not want to solve them in what they do themselves. "
He talked about trying to reach out between the Bush administration and the Palestinians on the grounds that Obama calls for this communication, he denied that the administration understands how to communicate, "has conducted active contacts at all. The idea is to communicate effectively implications. The Bush administration has abandoned the six-year networking Lost certain moments it can change the situation to what it is, as in the case of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza (2005), and when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Thrkataatha was agreed to the Annapolis conference, were not prepared in advance. Now there is no basis Can be built upon. As she focused on the negotiation and said that the Quartet envoy Tony Blair will address the economic issue and I have three generals to address security issues, but the harmony did not happen. There was a building, there was no substance. "
Ross concluded his speech by saying: "We must be very careful what we say that we can do. It is wrong to say we are confident that we will reach an agreement. If the Palestinian Authority's prime minister is Salam Fayyad, and he wanted to see whether peace with Israel possible and wants to build Palestinian capacity from the bottom to top, it is in the interest of Israel. If Israel wants to face a future of the surrounding along the lines of "Hamas" is not to try to reach agreement would have to be the case " .
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