If we compare and expense Given that the age of Israel is only 60 years .. Could become an Arab head of the Government of Israel after 140 years
«Obama is the secret ..», thus shouted in desperation, the mayor of Beersheba, Yaakov Turner, after the defeat to the young rival. Turner and this figure is very prominent in Israel. Was once a senior Air Force and considered a national hero through 300 sorties carried out during Israel's wars and later became commander in chief of the police. But the young Danilovic, 38, who was a spoiled son who brought to politics and putting it in the last five years as his deputy overcome in the municipal elections to the presidency by 3 days, with a 20 points. Turner says: «spirit that cropped up in young people by the Obama phenomenon, turned into a gale-force winds for the elderly like me».
In Tel Aviv, nearly young lawmaker Dov Hanin, said the municipality director Ron ravaged Juldaii, in the municipal elections held on Tuesday, with the leftist nostalgia and refuses to sing Israel's national anthem «Htkava», with Juldaii former general in the Israeli army scored his dozens of operations War and won many medals. Nostalgia won 34% of the vote compared to 48% for the general. Here, too, talking about the spirit of Obama and winds that accompany his arrival at the White House. But the winds are not confined to young people in Israel, Here is Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the Likud Party, called a new site on the Internet spirit of Obama: the portal built the same artistic direction of the site built by Obama at the beginning of his campaign. Use the same color, blue was the allocation of subjects at the gates of the site the same way as Obama. So the picture that shows Netanyahu at the site, looked similar, and the suit worn by Netanyahu in this picture was similar Bbdlp Obama and detailed color and the same color white shirt and blue tie. Hence, not surprisingly, also affected by Arab citizens in Israel (1948 Palestinians), winds and dream that Obama is one of hope: to become an Arab head of the Government of Israel in one day. Arab Citizens in Israel, make up 18% of the population of Israel. As Obama represents Americans of African descent who are not infringing the proportion of 13% of the population of the United States, it is natural to expect an Arab head of the Government of Israel. You say racism against Arabs in Israel will not allow it? Maybe. But racism was prevalent in the United States for more than two hundred years and their remnants are still felt to this day. If we account for comparison, taking into account that Israel is the age of 60 years ago, could become an Arab head of the Government of Israel after 140 years. But before sailing to these accounts, which today seems fake, just as the dreams of African-American fake 140 years ago, but such dreams have led to the killing of its owner, Martin Luther King, even 41 years ago, and if the former Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom, heard in the Israeli radio congratulates Obama says: «I hope to learn from Israel and the United States will elect a prime minister from the Sephardi Jews». He reminded the audience: «Eastern Jews represent half the population of Israel, reasonable continue to chair the prime minister away from Oagafithm».
So, standing role of the East Jews and Arabs in Israel that fell behind a few dozen other years and wait for their role after these Alhacrien. But before stepping Silvan Shalom broadcasting, Hb in the face of political commentator newcomers Russian Jews to Israel, and shouted: «You talk as if there is discrimination against Sephardi Jews in Israel, the Jewish East with the chair today the Knesset (Israeli parliament), It Dalia Itzik, a Jew arrived in the Center-East head of state twice (Yitzhak Navon and Moshe Katsav) and Eastern Jews arrived to the Center for Defense Minister three times (Binyamin Ben Eliezer and Amir Peretz and Shaul Mofaz). We Russians have not gotten to respectable status in Israel, although we are the largest segment of educated ».
In short, an additional delay, given the role of Arabs in Israel so long to reach this position, and 250 long waiting another year to go before the dream that one of them up to the prime minister. But there remains the fact is that were it not for Obama win, there is no hope that the dream of one of them to reach this position. This latest victory revolution in the concepts of people of all social strata suffer injustice in the world. And not necessarily at the political level. The Palestinians in general and Israel in particular, does not build much on that happening Obama to go to a coup in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to put an end to the occupation and lead to the establishment of the state capital in East Jerusalem. They know that the President of the United States, whatever its source, will not stand with them against Israel. Will not directly put pressure on Israel. There are strategic interests between the two countries. The services provided by Israel to U.S. interests in the region by any other country in the world. Only in the last two years demonstrated dramatically when Israel wanted to negotiate with Syria on peace, but President George W. Bush objected and upset, Israel refrained from negotiating and almost slip into the war would cost thousands of Israeli deaths, not only to provide a non grata at the White House. This is the tip of the iceberg.
New American president can only help the parties access to the conditions ripe to negotiate a settlement. Even if the President called Barak Hussein Obama, vivid b «Abu Hussein», the direct impact on Israel depends on many other factors. These include for example: how to deal with the issue of the Palestinian people their national rights and what to do to change the position of the U.S. administration about this crisis. If the internal Palestinian conflict continued and instead of two to see two states for two peoples are one people, there is no democracy and no authority in law, would then blame Obama or blame ourselves first?! However, the winds are blowing Obama also here in Israel, carries with it high hopes of all the oppressed and concern to all oppressors
In Israeli politics:
Known to Israeli politicians have begun calculating the expense of Obama since the beginning of sweeping its inception. Tracked and monitored the effects all his movements, discussed the origin and separated from their fathers and grandfathers stood and watched how the majority of American Jews against him, particularly members of the Democratic Party. When Obama was able to defeat Hillary Clinton and all that it represents balance and global audiences, there was shock among politicians in Israel. And started to disagree on how to deal with it. And received him as if he is the president, when he arrived in the exploratory visit
Obama has stunned Israelis for his intimate, even when he spoke of the need to settle the conflict and stop the suffering of the Palestinians, keen to show support for Israel and its security and strategic alliance with them. And traveled to the southern town of Sderot closely to see the suffering of Israelis from Palestinian rockets were fired since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip and issued statements condemning «Hamas» The adherence to the position of the international quartet that no dialogue with «Hamas» only recognize Israel and accept agreements signed between Palestinian Authority and Israel. When the leaders of the radical right has cast doubt on the veracity of these statements, a group of political figures and military support for Obama made a statement saying that he would be a good president for Israel. And that he would not exercise pressure on them, but will help to reach a realistic peace with all Arabs. Among intellectuals, known in Israel stage in favor of the peace process and opposition to the mentality of military control over the right-wing Israeli politics, left a large welcomed the victory of Obama. The writer David Grossman, who lost his son in the recent Lebanon war, says: «Obama good because it will save us from ourselves and help us get rid of the mentality of superiority and arrogance that characterize our leaders to deal with the Palestinians and the Arabs».
Israeli left and find that under Obama opens up new prospects for its activities, Fujdna Party Chairman «Meretz», Haim Oron, launched a project to expand the ranks of the party and the cards shipped ex-thinking leaders of the Labor Party, who see themselves in one place with the policy of violence? Led by Labor Party Chairman Ehud Barak. Of these, writer Amos Oz and political veteran Uzi Baram and former head of the Jewish Agency and former Knesset Speaker, Burg Abrams (the religious). Oron said that he called the project a spirit of Obama. It set a target to double the representation of the party in the Knesset (5 today, he was deputy in the offing 12 deputies). Even right-wing Likud Chairman Netanyahu, who is pursuing a very extremist line in the last two years, is talking about the draft peace distinguishes called «Economic peace», does not seem to enter Rvzia leader in a clash with Washington Obama.
The Arabs and Obama:
The Arabs in Israel, Obama has reflected the spirit of their great hope to change the reality of living to stop advocating the policy of racial discrimination against them. They have been suffering 60 years of this policy in all areas of their lives. There is a gap in living standards between them and other Jewish citizens in Israel, starting with municipal services through education, so the economic situation. For example, is enough to provide the level of per capita income even know some of this suffering, as the rate of the Arab individual Dvl equivalent to 16 thousand dollars a year, while per capita income in Israel is 26 thousand (individual Jews in this case, the annual income of $ 29 thousand) .
The reason for this is due to two things: first return to the policy of discrimination in employment and salary, as the rate of pay equal to two thirds of the Arab Group level of remuneration Jewish group, and the second that 82% of Arab women do not go out to work, (compared with 44% of Jewish women ), A problem related to self traditions and customs, but also the Altez, as the workplace for women is limited or non-Arab encouraging.
Everything's Arab achievements in their daily lives, the struggle against government policy, with the exception of a few government initiatives to improve their conditions, which taken at a time of some governments, such as the government of Yitzhak Rabin (1992 - 1995) and the government of Ehud Olmert (2006 - 2008). But one of the greatest barriers to the successes of the Arabs in Israel's struggle for their rights, in regard to the level of municipal departments in towns and villages. The municipal elections in the Arab sector are mainly of lists of family and Hamailip sectarian, and not between political parties. Such elections usually produce the heads of the non-professionals, their decisions control the narrow interests of the family, which was sent to the task, which is open for corruption, poor management and collection of municipal taxes slightly. The Israeli governments exploited these events to perpetuate discrimination policy. Pretext not to obscure the collection of funds and budgets, the budgets are building originally on the basis of racial discrimination later. The budgets of development in the Arab towns of up to 60% of the budgets of Jewish municipalities. And the government did not encourage the Arab towns to set up factories, with the knowledge that the municipal tax income of the factories are essential in Jewish towns. However, in recent years if the change is very slow in this direction. In the municipal elections that took place this week, it was another slight increase in weight of political parties at the expense of family and Alhamailip. Even within families began growing phenomenon of a candidate is selected in a general election in which family members or cargo, before it is put to the family of the general election.
In the era of Obama, notes that the public chose several candidates also young people in the Arab sector, not necessarily representatives of large families. The candidates highlighted their professional capabilities in the sound management of the municipal council. And talked more about the fight against corruption and cronyism. And transfer to the level of modern towns
In Nazareth, for example, a major Arab cities, the winner of the mayor, Ramez Gracie, the slogan «a modern city» at the center of the electoral battle. This is the city where sectarian conflicts violent Islamic Christian, and though the proportion of Muslims make up 58%, was elected mayor with a Christian. A city which was its president when the Muslim majority population of Christians (in 1948 asking Yusuf and Saifuddin Zoubi and then Tawfiq Ziad).
Hence, the Arabs in Israel, although they excluded the President of the Government deliver them to the Israeli leadership, they are marching with the times in the road for the collection of other rights to other levels in the areas of domestic policy.
The Arabs in Israeli politics
Municipal elections are Arab towns in Israel, most of the parliamentary general elections, because they arena in which they find greater expression of themselves. The Arab population in Israel up to 1130 thousand people, make up 18 per cent of the population. In official statistics is the number of Arabs 1.4 million people, which is 20 per cent, but this figure is incorrect, because it also includes residents of East Jerusalem (255 thousand) and the population of the Golan Heights (25 alpha), both zones since 1967 Manltan, have enacted Israel's laws are in the vicinity, and make their citizens from Palestinian and Syrian occupiers, permanent Israeli citizens have the right to participate in the municipal elections, but without nationality, and therefore not eligible to vote in parliamentary elections. The population in these regions are boycotting the municipal elections, so as not to register them that they recognize the legitimacy of the occupation.
Each national Arab political parties participate in the elections «municipal», but there are parties not involved in the elections «public», namely: the northern part of the construction of the Islamic Movement of the people of the country. In Israel there are 71 cities, including 11 Arab city. There are 46 regional councils each of which comprises several villages, including four Arab councils. There are 104 villages, including 58 Arab villages. In most of these local authorities in the municipal elections held last Tuesday. Did not resolve the election to the presidency of some of these municipalities, elections will be repeated after ten days. Arab citizens live in Israel for the country of the heads of local authorities working to unify their struggle for equality in budgets. These form part of the Higher Arab Monitoring Committee, which also includes the heads of political parties, NGOs and members of the Knesset, including the political leadership are to work towards equality for Arabs in general and work for peace Israeli-Palestinian and Arab societies.
The Arabs are represented in the Knesset (Israeli parliament) three parliamentary blocs, in addition to representatives of the Zionist parties. Parliamentary blocs of the three groups: the United Arab List has four MPs, and includes the southern part of the Islamic movement (represented by deputies and Abbas Ibrahim Sarsour Zaccour) and the Arab Movement for Change, represented by MP Ahmad Tibi and the Arab Democratic Party, represented by Deputy manufacturer. And the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality and has three deputies are: Mohammed Baraka and Sweden Hanna and Vice Jews from the Communist Party, is Dov Hanin.
The National Democratic Alliance, founded by Dr.. Azmi Bishara, has three deputies are: Jamal Zahalka and Wasil Taha and happy Nvaa. The Vice-Zionist parties are: Ghaleb Majadele, Minister of Culture, Science and Sports, and Nadia Helou Chakib Shannan, and representatives of all of the Labor Party led by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Deputy Foreign Minister Magali Wahbi, a party «Kadima» Governor.